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The Balms Foundation for children celebrated its XXV Golf Tournament

Departamento de Comunicación

Fecha 25/11/2019

On Saturday, November 16th, we celebrated our XXV Golf Tournament of the Balms Foundation for Children, whose purpose is the protection of the rights of minors and their access to education, in the prestigious Real Club de Golf Las Brisas.

The day began very early, even when the shooting was at 9:30 in the morning, from 8:00 the players began to arrive to register, receive a small detail, a gift from one of the sponsors and a free breakfast of Balms Abogados, before starting to play.

This year our expectations have been exceeded. We even had to borrow several buggies from a neighbouring camp, given the large number of participants!

At the end of the competition, a cocktail was held, during which the awards were given to the winners and the raffle of all the gifts donated for that purpose. This event was presented and conducted by the Vice President and one of the founders of the Balms Foundation for Children, Mr. Juan Luis Balmaseda de Ahumada y Díez.

The winners of this twenty-third tournament have been:

  • 1st prize:

Jonathan Lee

  • 2nd prize:

Juan Carlos Mackintosh Cutillas

  • 3rd prize:

Ignacio Diaz de Oñate Cuesta

We want to sincerely thank the altruistic and supportive intervention of the collaborators, sponsors, players and volunteers who, year after year, support us and help us to provide the necessary tools so that more and more children discover another type of more human reality and have the possibility of choosing your own future. Thank you all very much!